Midsummer Musing
3 min read

Midsummer Musing

Midsummer Musing
"The Summer still doth tend upon my state." ~Titania, Midsummer Night's Dream

It’s nearly Summer Solstice. It’s almost the full moon as well. And there’s a tropical disturbance brewing in the gulf. It’s well south of Houston but a fair amount of rain is predicted, and the local meteorologists have shifted into high gear. Any kind of weather makes them giddy. It takes a certain kind of person to be a local news station meteorologist, but that’s another post entirely.

The external energy is high and while that has a minor impact on me internally, I am feeling a bit disjointed. I seem to have a lot of irons in the fire and no place to set them once I take them out. Collectively, they’re all in danger of burning to a crisp if I don’t move them along.

This leaves me pondering if I need to. Move them along, I mean. What’s the worst that can happen? I’ve wasted time on a concept, idea, or project that doesn’t evolve into something more tangible. Have I really wasted the time, or was the protype a necessary exercise? Let’s take this a little further.

Time is a commodity. It’s possible to waste it, at least on the surface. But every failed effort, every mistake, every missed opportunity, has paved the road to where we (the collective we) are right now. It’s entirely possible to be unhappy with where we are right now, but if we look back, the road that led us here is clear. Speculation is a human trait, but not helpful in this scenario. The smallest decision shift in the past would have changed the reality of the present. Better? Who’s to say?

So, back to the Solstice. I have a conflicted relationship with summer. For the first 30-odd years of my life it was my favorite season. That slowly shifted to fall and now I think I favor winter. My life is shifting with the seasons. Not so remarkable, I think.

I still prefer to be warm over being cold, but in southeast Texas, cold really isn’t much of a problem so that perspective is flawed. Also, living in a very urban environment, and with my current limited mobility, I’m not trekking around the great outdoors much. I don’t have a back yard, or even a patio/balcony so I commune with nature through the tempered environment on this side of the glass.

I’m well suited to city living but have been feeling a stronger desire for some outdoor space. That means moving, but where? Somewhere warm, obviously. A smaller town? A city suburb? Another state? Another country? The possibilities are endless, I suppose, but unless I actively choose to make it happen, they are nothing. A real Seven of Cups dilemma (I think in tarot terms, remember?).

So, this is pretty much it for this week. These are my thoughts. They are random and scattered and unproductive. Or, are they? Scattering seeds results in something taking root. I read an analysis of Midsummer Night’s Dream that said life is a dream, or a vision. It’s absurd, irrational and a delusion, but also a transfiguration and is doomed to last for only a moment. Time to revisit this story.

I blame the solstice, the full moon, and the storm in the gulf. More next week.


If you would like to know more about my ancestral connection work, my Daoist path, or my other offerings such as tarot readings, monthly full-moon tarot circles, spiritual guidance, and mindset coaching, you can find more detailed information by using the drop-down menu on my website: The Mystic’s Parlour (the-mystics-parlour.ghost.io)

You can also contact me via email at themysticsparlour@gmail.com or on any of my social media channels. And follow along with TABI Tarot on their social media channels as well. https://tabi.org.uk

Your continued support and encouragement are greatly appreciated.